Well & Wild Child

Pediatric Occupational Therapy

I’m Jenna, the owner and Occupational Therapist of Well & Wild Child, LLC. I am beyond thrilled to be bringing this outdoor practice to our community.

Working as an OT practitioner for over 10 years in multiple settings, and through my experience with my own children, I saw an immediate need in the communities in my area to offer a world away from screens, for children to get their hands and feet dirty, and to learn in the best way a child knows how- through good old fashioned outdoor play! I also saw the need for new opportunities for parents to gain confidence & educate themselves on how they can best support their children in all stages & ages.

Let’s face it! Childhood and the demands on kids looks a little bit different today. I’m here to let kids be kids, while providing a simple yet effective way to give them what they need to learn & grow, and give parents the know-how.

I’m here to foster a love for nature, provide child-led play opportunities that drive intrinsic motivation, and use a strengths-based approach that gives way to building the foundation for creativity, imagination, and overall resiliency

…all with a little help from Mother Nature.

I look forward to working directly with your family to provide your child impactful opportunities for growth in the outdoors, the way nature intended.

Photography courtesy of Sarah Minor Photography